
Attract Your Sacred Signs

Feather on the Water

The secret language of signs has been part of my life since I was a child. As an Italian-American growing up in the Bronx, New York, I was more than familiar with the often inexplicable events that seemed to warn, instruct, guide, and answer me when I silently questioned God about the most pressing circumstances of my young life. My colorful and very expressive relatives would see signs everywhere and wholly believed that we all have a direct connection to the universe. They taught me not to be skeptical, but to accept this wonderful phenomenon—and to use it to my benefit. So I always paid attention. I didn't want to miss out on any help from the forces in the universe that were greater than little ol' me!

All around me were indications that seemed to come out of the blue, telling me that I either did or did not do the right thing, needed to pay closer attention or kept me from hurting myself physically or emotionally. And the funny thing was that they were always correct.

As I grew older, I continued to get signs in all forms, about all circumstances. Then, quite suddenly, I realized that in my own way, I had been asking for them all along, in prayer, meditation and my private conversations with the Divine. The quicker the signs came in response to my requests, the faster I was able to get my life back on track. I thought, "There is really something to this!" Hence, I wrote, Sacred Signs. I felt that if I was getting so much direct guidance from Spirit, all of us could. So, I set out to dissect my personal method of attracting signs and make it simple, clear and understandable, even for the novice spiritual seeker.

I'm sure you have gotten your fair share of sacred signs from the universe, too, but you might not have recognized them. So many of us are too busy worrying about everything and accomplishing extraordinary tasks in a given day that we have very little time to pay attention to the universe. Isn't that ironic? It is the universe that is the most powerful source of good in our lives, and most of the time we're too busy to notice! If you want more answers, guidance, and assistance in making decisions, solving problems, and strengthening your connection to spirit, Sacred Signs is the book for you. All you have to do is master three very important skills and you will be empowered with all the information necessary to live a life of joy, peace, abundance, and love. Not bad, huh?

Okay, okay, you're thinking, "So what are those skills?" Well, I'll give you a hint, but you need to read the book to really learn how to master them and make them a part of your process each day. The three skills to master I call Keys to the Universe, and here they are:

  • Key #1: Ask
  • Key #2: Accept
  • Key #3: Trust

That's it. They are three very simple steps that require only one effort from you—willingness. Yep, all you need to do is be willing to open your mind and heart to spirit, to the power within your soul to help you to live a wonderful life. Your intention is important, and as a spiritual seeker you know how powerful thought can be. Positive, directed thought can change a scattered, unsuccessful situation into a focused, successful one. Sacred signs will come to you when you make a commitment to inviting them into your life. They will come uninvited too, but why wait when you can attract them whenever you need them? My book will show you how to request signs, and how to hear, see and believe in them, and get all the messages you'll ever need from the universe. What's more, you'll learn how to interpret signs and get specific answers to your most troubling questions.

For years I asked God for guidance, but I never realized that when that advice came to me, I needed to accept it for what it was, whether I liked it or not. Then I simply had to trust that God was in charge, and my soul would reveal the information I needed, if I would just allow it. I put all these factors together, and found that the advice I got from my sacred signs was invaluable in helping me to be successful in all areas of my life. It's a tremendous relief to know we are not alone, and that there is a loving force waiting to help us. Isn't it? I speak from experience and am eternally grateful for the gift each sacred sign delivers. You will be, too.

About Adrian Calabrese

Adrian Calabrese, Ph.D., Msc. D., C.H., holds a doctorate in Psychical Research, another in Metaphysics, and is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. A psychic, channel, medium, holistic practitioner, inspirational speaker ...

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