While spring's energy pushes us forward, this Posy Potion gives us a few minutes to sit and mindfully cultivate our mental and emotional gardens. Choose a tea blend that includes either hibiscus (relaxation, love, dream magic) or jasmine (prosperity, love, dreams). Let the tea steep so you have a strong, flavorful infusion. Sit with your mug of tea in place where you won't be disturbed for twenty minutes. As you drink your tea, imagine a cottage-style garden, with a profusion of plants and ...
Every time I was ever sick as a child, my grandparents or parents would always make me soup to help me get well. With a little magical intention, you can create a potion that will work not only on the body but on the spirit as well. As you choose your ingredients for the soup, be sure to stir clockwise to promote healing. Simple ingredients could be chicken, noodles, carrots, and broth. Stir in herbs such as rosemary, ginger, and garlic to promote protection and healing. If you are not ...
This simple potion will help you guard and preserve your health during the final weeks of winter. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a sturdy mug. Add a large spoonful of honey, ½ teaspoon grated fresh ginger, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes. Fill with near-boiling water and add a cinnamon stick as a swizzle, stirring sunwise (clockwise). Sip your tonic while it's very hot, imagining the benefits of the lemon (vitamin C), the honey (antiviral properties), the ginger ...
Potions have been a witch's tool since the beginning of time. Water is a great transmitter. It opens itself readily to infusing with herbs, and the spirits love to glide across it. As harvest celebrations approach, and with them stress and anxiety, a good witch's potion is in order. This one is called Peace Water. It is simple to make on the surface, but for it to be effective, drawing on witchy skills is in order. The skills required are control of your thinking and the ability to transfer ...