The relative permanence of stones provides a vehicle for remembering and honoring the ephemeral (think: tombstones). If you have a garden or potted plant, you can include a stone as a touchpoint for helpful spirits. This can be a simple unadorned stone, or you can use paint pens to decorate it, using waterproof sealant to protect the design. Hold the stone in your palm, close your eyes, and feel its weight and temperature, bringing your awareness to the physicality of stone on flesh. Then ...
Sometimes we have no real reason to feel guilty, and sometimes we do. But after carrying it around for a while, there comes a time to get rid of guilt. This spell will help with that. Perform this spell on a sunny day. You'll need a stick. Go to a rural or secluded spot. A dirt road or a field would be good. Stand so you are looking at your shadow. Bend down, and with the stick, write the word guilt across your shadow. Then say:Guilt, we are done.Dissolve into the earth.Burn into dust by the ...
Use this window wash to clear away negative energies and bring clarity. In a glass pitcher or in an empty soda bottle or milk jug, mix one quart white vinegar with the juice and peel from one lemon. Add a large sprig of rosemary. Stir or shake the concoction vigorously to help distribute the lemon and rosemary throughout the vinegar. Let the mixture sit for a few hours, then strain out the lemon peel and rosemary. Pour the vinegar into a spray bottle. Use the spray to clean all the windows and ...
The holidays of Good Friday and Passover are about sacrifice. Christians believe that Jesus sacrificed his life for the good of others, and they commemorate that on Good Friday. Passover is a commemoration of the time when the Jewish people marked their doorposts with the blood of a sacrificial lamb, sparing them from the Angel of Death. Most magical traditions today don’t demand sacrifice, but making a small sacrifice can be powerful magic. For this spell you will need a small bit of ...