Posted Under Chakras & Energy Work

Copper Meditation for the 21st Century: Part Two

Read "Copper Meditation for the 21st Centure: Part One

A Chakra and Kundalini Workbook teaches many approaches to meditation; however, the Copper Meditation and its logical progression, Vertical Breathing, are so very accessible to everyone (inducing deep relaxation and inner trance states) and so quickly explained that I have chosen this technique integrating Copper Meditation and Vertical Breathing as providing immediate remedial relief.

This is the fast route, typical of many techniques in A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook, to profound meditation and Altered States of Consciousness.

Advantages of "Vertical Breathing" Integrated with "Copper Meditation"

  • Induces a deep rest state in which the parasympathetic or relaxation portion of your nervous system becomes predominant thus ensuring resuscitation and rejuvenation. "Yoga is Autonomic Nervous System Gymnastics."
  • This technique may be used even when you are feeling anxious or panicky as it is so engaging that it will melt down the agitation. This becomes a particularly potent anti-anxiety method. Once you master the exercise, the relaxation response may be educed almost anywhere, anytime!
  • By learning to watch the Chid-Akasha (Magic Mirror or psychic screen behind the frontal bone of the forehead) you will experience the creative range of the theta brain wave patterns with visions, dreaming and OOBS (out-of-the-body-states). This exercise allows access to the Bardo or Astral realms and accelerates creativity.


Note: This "Vertical Breathing" (from Chapter 13 Chakra & Kundalini Workbook) amalgamated with "Horizontal Chakra breathing" as taught in my book Magical Tattwas) may be done lying down for induction of quick catnaps! Combining the two methods very powerfully accelerates the process.

The traditional way is to lie on your right side while doing Vertical Chakra Breathing. This will ensure the Ida sedative influence of the left nostril will be in the ascendancy and allow you to enjoy the respite of a power nap!

We are now ready to consider "Vertical Breathing"(Refer to the chart) With the penny in place, become aware of the natural breath flowing in and out of your nostrils. As the inhalation takes place, visualize energy (white, blue or gold) flowing up your right nostril to the Third Eye, which you will now be able to feel by the sensation of the coin on the forehead.

As you exhale, imagine the colored energy flowing from the Ajna point down and out your left nostril. You than reverse this so the incoming breath flows up the left nostril to the coin, and on the subsequent exhalation, from Ajna out the right nostril.

Say to yourself "Ten". You have now completed one round. Continue the procedure, and on completion of the round mentally say "Nine," and so on until you reach "One," at which point you start again with "Ten."

This sequence of countdown is done for the duration of the meditation (twenty to thirty minutes) and it should be expected that you would lose count. This is a sign of dropping into dreaming or dreamless sleep.

When you do lose count and become aware of coming out of the state you are in, simply pick anywhere you thought you left off, or start at the beginning. The counting is a device intended to "cut out" the left-brain.

Technique in Summarizing The Elements of Vertical Breathing with Copper Meditation.

  1. Follow with your consciousness the spontaneous flow of breath in each nostril with full focused attention.
  2. Understand that a round, when doing Vertical Chakra Breathing, constitutes mentally following, with awareness:
    • The spontaneous flow of inhalation in one nostril
    • The spontaneous flow of exhalation out the opposite nostril
    • The spontaneous flow of inhalation back in that nostril
    • These rounds are counted backwards from 10 down to 1.
  3. Recommence the cycle and continue until the desired dream Trance State ensues.

I must emphasize that continually returning to the mechanics of Vertical Chakra Breathing (every time the mind deviates consciously by thinking about concerns other than the technique) is the key to success.

Advantages of Copper Meditation and "Vertical Breathing"
After several weeks you will be able to dispense with the penny: as a consequence, you will then be able to induce an altered state of consciousness anywhere: on the bus or train, in the office, etc.

Portions of this article and diagrams are extracted from A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook.

About Jonn Mumford

Dr. Jonn Mumford (Sydney, Australia) is a world-renowned authority on Tantra and yoga. A disciple of Paramhansa Swami Satyanandra Sarasvati of India, Dr. Mumford originally trained as a psychologist and later as a ...

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