Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Ginger Crystals are an important aspect in many magical practices. However, it is not always necessary to obtain new crystals for your workings. When a crystal is charged to a specific working, that is its purpose until the working is completed. The crystal may then be cleared and refocused for another working. Gather up your crystals from completed workings and give them a bath in sea salt water, rinsing them thoroughly after the washing with fresh water. Dry them with a cotton towel or allow them to air dry. At this point, you may also wish to smudge them. Place the cleared stones on a windowsill where they may bask in the light of the Moon for a full lunar cycle. You may need to place them in a deeper bowl if you have helpful felines. With the passing of the lunar cycle, your crystals are ready to be charged to new workings in your practice. |
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