Today is dedicated to Ebisu Matsuri, one of Japan's Seven Lucky Gods and the god associated with business, luck, happiness, and prosperity. To bless your business or simply to enhance your cash flow, you might like to make a tradition-inspired altar by placing a small picture or statue of this smiling Buddhist deity on a small table or shelf- if possible, near the entrance to your workplace, office, or home.
Add a red candle. Also add an offering or two, such as some shiny gold colored coins (chocoalte wrapped in foil will work), a bamboo or jade plant, and/or small stack of rice cakes on a plate. Light the candle and say a simple invocation, such as: "Ebisu Matsuri, thank you for opening the way to ever increasing prosperity and cash flow. Thank you for blessing my business (and/or life) with happiness and wealth. Thank you for paving my path with luxury and ease." |
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