Many earth-centered traditions recognize five elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. On this fifth day of the month, let's take the opportunity to harness the energy of the number five in the form of these elements of natural magick. We can find more peace and walk smoothly through the world when we maintain an internal balance of these elemental energies.
You'll need a small pouch or medicine bag. If you do not have one, you can create one by laying your ingredients on a square of fabric, then drawing together the corners and tying them shut. For this elemental spell bag, gather representations of the five elements that resonate with you and lay them beside your bag or on top of your square of fabric. Recite the following, then pack and carry your bag: "Earth, air, fire, water, spirit. Elements five, I ask you, please arrive. With your powers balanced, I may thrive. Blessed be. So mote it be." |
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