POSTED UNDER Moon, Success

Spell: Moon Journal Spell

Color of the Day
Incense of the Day

The moon in all her splendour grants gifts every night when she looks down upon us. However, there are certain times during her 29.5-day cycle when she is stronger for certain intentions in our spellwork. One of those days is the new moon, that beautiful silver crescent we see in the indigo night sky. This is the perfect time to start a moon journal, which is similar to a regular journal with one exception: it is devoted entirely to the moon cycles and your affirmations.

Buy or create a small book of no more than thirty pages. Safely light a white candle, and on the first page write down your intentions for the month. Write what you want to accomplish this month. It can be anything from being successful in an exam to being a good friend, getting organised in your magic work, chasing your ambitions, or accomplishing absolutely anything you desire. You can have as many goals as you want, but remember you only have about thirty days to accomplish them, so limit yourself to about five to ten intentions for the month.

On the front cover of your moon journal, write:

I am full of opportunity and potential.

Then cast the following spell over the intentions you have written. Place your right hand on the first page, covering your written intentions, and say:

From now until thirty days have passed,

Until my intentions are amassed,

Blessed moon, please grant me

All these dreams aplenty.

Meditate on your intentions for a while by the candle and then blow it out. Watch the rising smoke drift up toward the new moon, and imagine it telling the moon your intentions.

Every day for the next thirty days, record in your journal what phase the moon is in, such as waxing, waning, crescent, gibbous, first quarter, third quarter, etc. In addition, explain in a few sentences where your intentions are: have they begun, are they halfway through, or have you accomplished one or all of them? Enjoy your moon journal.


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Tudorbeth is the principal of the British College of Witchcraft and Wizardry and teaches courses on witchcraft. She is the author of numerous books, including The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Spells, Charms & Brews and A Spellbook for the Seasons (Eddison Books, 2019). Tudorbeth is a hereditary ...

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