When you're in need of guidance beyond what the ego can offer, tap into the power of your dreams. Before bed, state your request:In my dreams tonight, please show me what I need to know regarding (briefly describe your situation). The next morning, before doing anything else, journal everything you remember from your dream, even if a detail seems irrelevant. If you can't recall the entire dream, that's okay; capture what you can. Once you start writing, previously forgotten aspects of the dream ...
November is the hardest month for me. The decline in sunshine can leave me feeling sad and depleted. When the darkness begins to wear on me and I start to feel hopeless, helpless, and depressed, I know it's time for a "Save me" spell. There are two essential ingredients for this spell: vitamin D and conscious breathing. You can use either one, or both, for positive effect. Find a good-quality vitamin D supplement with minimal additives that is easily consumed. I use a liquid supplement and ...
Good morning, United States of America! Today, many people will be either happy or sad, elated or pissed off, celebrating or lamenting. Some may feel indifferent. Lots of us will be happy that the campaign season, with its endless ads, is over. There is sure to be a combination of feelings and emotions swirling around us, for yesterday was Election Day in the US. I am writing this on September 20, 2022. As I cast my eye to the future, I realize that you will be reading these words in 2024. ...
November is National Pomegranate Month. Whenever I see or taste a pomegranate, I instantly think of the Greek goddess Persephone. When she was taken to the Underworld, she ate six pomegranate seeds, which tied her to staying there for half the year. As the fruit often shows up in markets in late fall, it's another reminder of Persephone's journey to the Underworld. Soon winter will be upon us, but life will return in the spring. I always purchase a couple of pomegranates—one to eat and ...